Friday, 20 December 2013

Oncology Reunion

You will probably recall that several months ago my Consultant Oncologist put our relationship on hold due to me being too boring for him.

Well I am pleased to say that we were reunited on 6th December, although I fear I might still be quite boring.

He talked about the hormonal therapy Tamoxifen which I am likely to need to take on a daily basis for at least 5 years. Discussed the side effects - aching, menopause, hot flushes. I'm already there anyway after what is colloquially referred to as the "chemopause".

Then we had a chat about radiotherapy. I will be having radiotherapy to the chest wall only and not the armpit given that as far as we know there were no cancerous cells present in the armpit.

We talked for some considerable time about a Trial that I would be eligible for. The Consultant was keen for me to hear about it. I get a sense that the take up on this study hasn't been great. As far as I can gather the current position at my hospital is that they give 15 radiotherapy sessions. It used to be 25 sessions but a study was carried out which suggested that 3 weeks was adequate.

The Trial involves giving higher dosage over one week rather than three. I asked several questions including what the thinking behind this was and whether there was any suggestion that this could be beneficial in terms of the women receiving it. My chap said not really, it is simply being trialled due to demand for machines. 

After answering that question and getting my "so that's your client's case then, is it...?" look in response, I think he strongly suspected then that I was unlikely to be a "yes". 

He then immediately decided to cut his losses and said "I'm just going to get the consent form [for radiotherapy itself] and prescription [for tamoxifen]". Next thing I know the nurse comes back in with those items. Erm, ok then, so that's the end of our consultation. No, I didn't have any questions - thanks.

I didn't even get the chance to ask "When will I see you again?". Am I too clingy? Is it my fault??!

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