Well it's been a while since I updated but if you assumed that meant that I'd been lying around doing nothing then to be honest, you wouldn't be that far off the mark.
I started 15 daily sessions of radiotherapy on 2nd January - Happy New Year to me...
My first few appointments were at 11.45 and I have to say, that appointment time was hugely irritating. What the hell has happened to hospital parking?? Now I have been coming to the place since April last year and I thought I had got to know the good and bad times for parking. However there has now been a complete shift back to the bad old days of not being able to get a space unless you arrive by 9am. What's that all about? It's not a gym for Christ's sake, it's not like everyone makes a bloody resolution to go to hospital more frequently in January!! I certainly didn't, anyway, although clearly that's how it has turned out given that I've been there every weekday since 2nd January now.
After a few 11.45 appointments I shifted to my requested earlier time of 9.30 which is much better for parking.
The radiotherapy itself involves a 15 minute session being 13 minutes of getting undressed, lying on a table and being manipulated to the nearest millimetre whilst imitating a dead weight and 2 minutes of being left alone in the room listening to the likes of Lenny Kravitz and Paul Young (hadn't heard "Every time you go away" for ages, quite enjoyed it) while a huge arm/beam device moves around targeting specific points on the chest wall with a radiation beam. They always put a jelly like pad on me first which kids the machine in to thinking there is tissue there - as opposed to skin and bone - as apparently otherwise the machine will give its best dose too far in to the chest whereas they want it to hit the chest wall itself. Tedious technical lecture over, moving on now.
The staff are all very nice but noted some of them have very cold hands.
There has been one day when treatment was aborted as the machine broke down. Apparently this is not a major problem and they have just added an extra day on at the end.
As for side effects, I'm getting a pinkish area at the site being treated. Looks like sunburn but you can't feel it like sunburn. The head radiotherapy
lady keeps shaking her head and saying there is a definite risk of the skin "breaking down". Having had chemo I'm now familiar with the throwing-all-possible-side-effects-out-there-in-the-hope-that-if-they-don't-in-fact-occur-the-patients-will-think-everything-is-just-dandy technique and I hope that is what is going to apply here. I shall keep on applying the aqueous cream and we will see.
In other news I have received my free prescription card. The mind boggles at the number of things I could now potentially obtain entirely gratis!
Also, Christmas happened. It was nice family time but frustrating being forbidden from even peeling a potato. I'm pleased to report that after a second course of antibiotics prescribed by my surgeon on Christmas Eve the infection seems to have passed and the range of movement in the arm has started to improve too. By itself. Now I don't want to discredit the exercises they recommended doing, but they didn't feel right so I stopped them. In some cases perhaps there is a school of thought which suggests that the concept of "Physio" is possibly no different to the concept of "Time".
Happy New Year one and all.
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