Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Appointment merry go round

I went to hospital today. Hadn't been there for all of, oh, 24 hours? What a treat and a novelty.

Today was in fact an excellent hospital visit, as they go. Oncologist lady checked that I hadn't had any adverse effects outside the normal realms that they expect for chemo. By this I assume they mean that my head hadn't actually fallen off, given that just about everything else seems to be considered par for the course in terms of side effects.

I arrived 5 minutes early. Sat down to wait and noted that the lady I was seeing had nothing written on her "how many minutes late I am running" laminate poster. Her colleague, however, was running 50 minutes late. Bad luck, that doctor's patients - you win some, you lose some in cancer patient world and today was my day. I was called in before my actual appointment time (I know!) and was outta there within 5 minutes. Bargain.

As for yesterday's appointment, that was early too. Genetics lady agreed I was mentally prepared to take the test but had some concerns that my white blood cells might not have risen enough yet post-chemo to provide them with sufficient DNA to properly test. It was therefore decided that instead of stabbing my arm that day she would let me have the blood test pack to take to Ricky Grant Unit on Friday for the blood to be taken pre-chemo. From my port, not my dreaded arm. Yay! The theory also being that my white blood cell levels will be the best they are going to be at that point, and if they're not good enough then the chemo won't be going ahead either anyway.

Back to hospital tomorrow afternoon for more blood test fun and games to establish my white cell status ready for Friday.

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