Thursday 4 July 2013

Party Trick

Nowhere near as exciting as the title sounds, but my current party trick is demonstrating to people how if I don't like the way my hair is sitting today then I can just grab the offending section in my hand and pull it clean out. Have shown Dan and my Dad. Freaky. This morning I even plucked out a stray eyebrow without the aid of tweezers and with no feeling of pain.

At least this means the drugs are working - I'd be a little worried if they weren't capable of killing something as innocuous as a hair follicle.

Went to the hospital today, had my port insertion site checked, all uneventful and healing spiffingly.

Just warming up now for another five out of six day appointment marathon next week. I will have (deep breath...): Genetics on Monday - to see if I have mutant genes as well as mutant tumours, Oncologist on Tuesday - to check that the first chemo cycle and side effects were ok and that nothing needs to be tweaked, Ricky Grant Unit on Wednesday - for a blood test to check that my white blood cell and other levels are acceptable for the next chemo cycle, Day off on Thursday, Ricky Grant Unit for second chemo on Friday then Turner Ward for white blood cell boosting injection on Saturday.

It's a bit like one of those "I went to the supermarket and I bought..." games really!

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