Sunday 14 July 2013

Fake Hangover

Well second chemo has produced much the same as the first in terms of side effects. I would say you'll have switched off totally after 6 cycles of this sameness, but fear not as after one more cycle of FEC I move on to the "stronger" therefore scarier Taxotere for the last three cycles, which may bring with it a whole new host of unwelcome physical manifestations. So stay tuned!

For the past two days I have had what I call the fake hangover. All the symptoms of a hangover but cruelly without any of the drunken fun that usually precedes that feeling. Hungry but don't know what I want to eat; feel vaguely nauseous most of the time; fuzzy head; want to lie down but know that I can't as I have to get up, get ready and get Abbie's stuff packed as she is going on a two night holiday in her Grampy's motor home today.

Now I hate packing at the best of times, even for my own trips and holidays. So much to think about and remember, especially where kids' stuff is concerned. Think I will get the packing out of the way before I start getting ready myself.

The good thing about all this is that once the packing is done Abbie will be off on her holiday and Dan and I (well, Dan really...) can put together all her new garden toys on our recently-laid-and-just-cut-for-the-first-time turf, so, when Abbie returns on Tuesday she will have a lovely garden to play in. Then we are taking Lauren to see Abbie on her holiday - it's only in Brixham - just for the afternoon. Haven't broken this news to Abbie yet who seems to be looking forward to getting away and keeps trying to clarify that "Lauren isn't coming". Christ!

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