Saturday 22 June 2013

Back Home

I am glad to get home and even more glad not to have the wound drains in as they make you look and feel like a total invalid. Also Lauren would have chewed them.

At home I am greeted by some absolutely touching cards and lovely flowers. Illness revelation experience #2 coming up - I start to feel quite guilty that I have probably not been as considerate and thoughtful to others I know who have been ill in the past. Although I have thought about these people frequently and perhaps sent them a Facebook message, I now realise that the effort that goes in to writing and sending a card really counts for something. That's not to say that there is anything wrong with fb messages or e mails either though! Personally I've really enjoyed them too. I think I have never been completely sure what to do or send people in these situations and instead of following my instincts I have sometimes not done anything. But onwards and upwards,  we live and learn.

I was not in as much pain as I expected after my op and thankfully some of the testimonials I had read on the dreaded Internet such as "I couldn't even lift my arm to brush my teeth!" turned out to be utter utter nonsense. Maybe I was lucky. I still had to be careful of what I did or lifted. In fact I discovered could just about lift the iPad whilst lying in bed, which suited me just fine ;-)

Big up to all my fabulous family members at this point for all their invaluable help, I simply do not know where we would be without them xx

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