Friday 21 June 2013

My operation

Eventually I am gowned up and wheeled to theatre. Then there is a slight verbal skirmish between the theatre staff and the recovery side. Recovery are not ready for the woman in theatre who therefore remains on the table. I therefore remain on my table on my side. For 45 minutes...

The nurse looking after me was a lovely chatty chap and it was nice to see that every workplace has these little "wrangles"!

The anaesthetist lady inserts my cannula - lots of belt tightening on my arm and gentle slapping required here, I feel a bit like a heroin addict.

Then she gives me what she calls "intravenous gin and tonic". I think this might be a pre med?? I know nothing further about what happens next until I wake up in Recovery with a bloody sore back. This is from my head being back for the breathing tubes. The tubes themselves are out and a recovery nurse is looking at me like he has been waiting ages. He says "I took your tubes out" and I asked him if I appeared to be awake when he did that. "Oh yes" he says. Christ only knows what I said to him as I have no recollection of that waking episode whatsoever.

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