Friday 21 June 2013

The beginning

Well, where to start?

Let's do a chronology. Lawyers love a good chronology.

March 2013 - I found a lump in my left breast. Consulted Dr Google and self diagnosed it as a benign fibroadenoma. Thankfully didn't rely on this and booked a GP appointment to confirm mine and Google's very educated diagnosis instead.

26 March 2013 - saw my GP who examined me and said he makes a referral in 99% of cases involving breast lumps. Referred me to the Breast Care Unit at Torbay which I was quite happy with as I definitely wanted it looked in to, especially given a strong family history of breast cancer (hereafter "BC") on my dad's side.

Almost immediately afterwards I received a letter giving me an appointment date of 9th April. It is a standard two week wait on these referrals, which I think is a very impressive policy really given how busy they must be.

So far only my husband Dan knew about all this. I wasn't planning on telling anyone if the tests turned out ok. I did tell one of my friends too. She had been through these sorts of tests before - thankfully with a benign result - and knew the ropes, as well as being a fantastic friend generally. She immediately offered to come with me on 9th April.

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