Friday, 21 June 2013

Post op

I am wheeled up to my ward and met by two lovely nurses beaming at me and saying "you've got a private room!". Now you're talking.

Dan and my dad come in and check I am still alive. I discover that I can only lie on my (aching) back as I have wound drains hanging from each side. Then my friend is allowed to pop in even though visiting times are over. She gives me a card and a teddy. The teddy proves very useful for propping under my back that night. 

Everyone goes home and the nurses pop in periodically to do my obs. One of my hapless friends ends up texting me to report that he is in A&E having fractured his finger falling over on a night out. He gets that all sorted and gets A&E to ring through to see if he can visit me. At 2am. I am not opposed to this given that I am still awake but the nurses upon discovering that a) I have been texting and b) that I am still awake report back to A&E that I am getting some sleep now and promptly administer ora morph. This still does not really get me to sleep but being spaced out probably gave me something else to do I suppose.

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