Saturday 22 June 2013

Follow up appointment

On 24th May I trundle back to the Breast Care Unit to see my Consultant. This is Dan's first time of meeting "the man with the scalpel". It has been really weird reconciling the man speaking to me in the dapper suit in his office as being the same man who would have the ability to wear his scrubs and perform my operation. It's quite humbling realising how incredibly well trained and skilled these professionals are.

I am pleased to find that they will be removing my massive waterproof dressings that day. The nurse starts taking off one side and it is taking ages. My Consultant goes off to make a phone call then returns to find the process still ongoing so rolls up his sleeves and helps her himself! I now know this is because the surgeons find any opportunity to look at their work really rather exciting. Fair play to them, he did a good job.

I am left with two long rows of steri strips which the nurse tells me I can remove myself in due course. She then clocks the aghast look crossing my face and she offers to book me in at Newton the week after to have the nurse do it instead!

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