Friday 21 June 2013

Hospital Stay

My Consultant arrives before 9.00 the next morning just to check whether I want to be discharged as he won't be there again til Monday.

No fear, mate - I am enjoying my quiet room and I am hoping to improve enough to get my drains taken out on Monday so i don't have to manage them myself at home. I shall stay until Monday please.

Happy with that he goes away again but still phones the ward Sunday to check on me again, bless him! The rest of the stay passes uneventfully save for the periodic screams coming from the windows of the labour suites two floors up. These are simply a mildly interesting distraction, unless of course you happen to be listening to them whilst pregnant and waiting to be induced yourself. Been there, done that. 

On Monday my Consultant arrives early,  looks mildly surprised to see my faithful friend who has snuck in to my room first thing on the way to her fracture clinic appointment (yes all my friends copied me by coming to hospital the weekend i was there!!) discharges me and says the drains can come out, yay! Having realised that maternity will have gas and air in abundance I talk the nurse in to writing me up a prescription for it and the drain removal is a pleasant trancey haze :) . Did I mention how much I love gas and air...?

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