Saturday, 22 June 2013

More results

We sit down and my Consultant gets lots of pieces of paper out. He has the Pathology report.

He confirms that the "preventative" right hand side tissue removal showed no evidence of disease, as we hoped and expected.

The affected left side tumours have undergone extensive tests. I am a medical anomaly and not in a good way. My body has managed to create two different types of tumour! Invasive Ductal and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, for the anoraks amongst us. My Consultant quickly realised that he was dealing with a BC Anorak when he first met me, by the way...

The Lobular variety likes to recur in the same site on either side. This makes me even more comfortable with the choices I made about my surgery. I will need chemo to nuke any stray cells throughout my whole body. That will be six sessions, each 3 weeks apart. Then my surgeon will operate again to remove the majority of lymph nodes under my left armpit. Then once that's healed I will receive targeted radiotherapy to try and prevent local recurrence in the scar tissue. Glad I didn't set my heart on immediate reconstruction as these results would have blown that process out of the water as radiotherapy causes too much skin trauma. I will also take hormone tablets in due course.

I never really expected surgery to be the end so I was quite prepared for this information and pleased in a way that the decision had been made for me!

I would be referred to the Oncologist to make a start with chemo.

Thereafter I saw the nurse the next week as arranged and she removed the steri strips. It was great to have nothing stuck to me anymore!

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