Saturday 22 June 2013

New Patient Meeting - Ricky Grant Unit

I phoned the Ricky Grant Unit ("chemo factory") to find out when my new patient appointment was. It was already on the system for Wednesday 19th June. The Oncologist had suggested that I would start my chemo within 4 to 6 weeks.

I was going to be having a Portacath inserted in my chest too, this being the best option for me due to having small children. There are several other options including a line in your arm but the idea of always having tubes poking out of my arm made me squeamish. I was happy to go ahead with the Port even though it is initially a more invasive procedure carried out by a surgeon under local anaesthetic (and strong sedatives, yay!). More on this later. But anyway I thought all that would take a while to line up, excuse the pun...

So I was surprised to receive a call on Monday 17th letting me know that I would have a pre assessment on Thursday 20th, port insertion on Friday 21st and the first chemo on the Friday afternoon! I was very impressed with their efficiency.

I went to my new patient talk, met a nice nurse and was given antiseptic mouthwash for possible mouth related side effects of chemo, plus an anaesthetic mouthwash in case it all starts to go really wrong...

I also got a free tub of some lovely intensive moisturiser. When I took it home I told Dan it contained chemo chemicals therefore he must not use it. Mwahahahahahaaaa.

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