Saturday, 29 June 2013


My brother in law and me had planned to go to Torquay today. This morning I decided it would be nice to take Abbie (3) with us. We all had a lovely time having lunch then going on the Torquay Big Wheel.

There was one moment where I feared the big wheel decision could be a major error, as we began the climb and Abbie was not only holding on to me for dear life, she was also crying. 

However, inspired by the sudden glimpse of living coasts I mentioned the magic word "penguins" and even though you can't actually see them, the existence of the big nets and the knowledge that they were there somewhere seemed to suffice and she thankfully stopped crying and managed to actually look out of the window for the rest of the ride.

Then we pottered around at the beach before heading back to the car whilst wondering why we hadn't parked somewhere a bit more central...

I have foolishly managed to catch the sun on my neck. I would bang on about skin being more sensitive whilst having chemotherapy but who am I kidding, anyone who has ever been on holiday with me knows I am a vampire who should never venture out in the sun.

I have stuck aloe vera moisturiser on it and I am hoping it is gone by the morning. Someone whose choices of top half attire are limited enough as it is does not want to be having to worry about covering the back of their neck as well.

<zips up Superdry hoodie. Puts up hood for good measure>

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