Friday 21 June 2013

Next Consultant Appointment

On Friday 19th April my friend came with me again and we went to see my Consultant. He agreed that we might as well do everything together and he also put up much less resistance than I expected when I repeated my request for a double mastectomy. I was worried he would balk at removing what was on the face of it healthy tissue.

He was fine with it though and gave me the date for my surgery there and then. Friday 17th May. I have been so impressed with the way that I have absolutely felt fully involved with all these decisions and I have never found my Consultant to be difficult or aloof in any way whatsoever, quite the opposite.

As soon as he mentioned the surgery date my friend jumped in with "so that's Jenny's date now then, is it?". I think my Consultant was a little bit scared of her, lol lol.

I was pre assessed again on 8th May for this new surgery date. Things went comparatively quiet in the meantime and I made the most of feeling well and seeing friends and family as much as possible. I was still working my usual 3 days a week too. Didn't mind doing that but was keen to avoid everyone finding out for fear of constant approaches being made to discuss it! I HATE any form of small talk under normal circumstances and this was no different. I do so appreciate that people are concerned though and this is part of the reason for starting this blog.

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